Cuando empiezas a usar una copa menstrual, es importante saber cómo limpiarla, cuánto tiempo hervirla y cómo almacenarla y desinfectarla de manera efectiva. Puede ser difícil saber qué jabones o soluciones de limpieza son seguras, cómo eliminar las manchas de la copa menstrual y cuándo deberías reemplazar tu copa. ¡Estamos aquí para responder todas tus preguntas y ayudarte a que la transición a las copas menstruales sea fácil y sin complicaciones!

Una copa menstrual es un producto para la menstruación sostenible y reutilizable, generalmente hecha de silicona de grado médico o TPE (elastómero termoplástico), libre de químicos dañinos y BPA (Bisfenol A). Son una alternativa flexible y fácil de usar a los tampones, que te durará años. Son igual de seguras y efectivas para prevenir fugas como los tampones.
Nuestras copas están hechas de silicona de grado médico y son incoloras para evitar el uso de aditivos de color. Pueden usarse hasta 12 horas de forma continua y son cómodas, seguras y una mejor elección para tu cuerpo y el planeta.
Así que, acabas de comprar una copa menstrual – ¿y ahora qué?
Necesitarás hervir tu copa menstrual antes de usarla por primera vez. Esto es para desinfectar el producto, de modo que sea segura para su uso cuando estés lista para usarla.
Necesitarás algunas cosas:
- Olla
- Estufa
- Agua
- Batidor (opcional
Después de lavarte las manos, verifica que los agujeros de aire en la parte superior de la copa estén abiertos y no bloqueados. Luego, coge una olla lo suficientemente grande como para contener y sumergir completamente la copa menstrual. Llena la olla con agua y ponla a hervir. Coloca la copa en el agua hirviendo, asegurándote de que esté completamente sumergida. Déjala hervir de 3 a 5 minutos, vigilando la copa para asegurarte de que no se queme y se mantenga bajo el agua.
Un truco es colocar la copa dentro de un batidor de alambre para evitar que entre en contacto con el fondo de la olla, aunque no es necesario.
Una copa menstrual es un producto para la menstruación sostenible y reutilizable, generalmente hecha de silicona de grado médico o TPE (elastómero termoplástico), libre de químicos dañinos y BPA (Bisfenol A). Son una alternativa flexible y fácil de usar a los tampones, que te durará años. Son igual de seguras y efectivas para prevenir fugas como los tampones.
Nuestras copas están hechas de silicona de grado médico y son incoloras para evitar el uso de aditivos de color. Pueden usarse hasta 12 horas de forma continua y son cómodas, seguras y una mejor elección para tu cuerpo y el planeta.
Así que, acabas de comprar una copa menstrual – ¿y ahora qué?
Necesitarás hervir tu copa menstrual antes de usarla por primera vez. Esto es para desinfectar el producto, de modo que sea segura para su uso cuando estés lista para usarla.
Necesitarás algunas cosas:
- Olla
- Estufa
- Agua
- Batidor (opcional
Después de lavarte las manos, verifica que los agujeros de aire en la parte superior de la copa estén abiertos y no bloqueados. Luego, coge una olla lo suficientemente grande como para contener y sumergir completamente la copa menstrual. Llena la olla con agua y ponla a hervir. Coloca la copa en el agua hirviendo, asegurándote de que esté completamente sumergida. Déjala hervir de 3 a 5 minutos, vigilando la copa para asegurarte de que no se queme y se mantenga bajo el agua.
Un truco es colocar la copa dentro de un batidor de alambre para evitar que entre en contacto con el fondo de la olla, aunque no es necesario.

¿Cuánto tiempo debes hervir tu copa menstrual?
Hervir tu copa menstrual es un método rápido y efectivo de esterilización.
Es recomendable dejarla hirviendo durante al menos 3 a 5 minutos para
garantizar una limpieza óptima, eliminando cualquier bacteria o microorganismo.
¿Tienes que hervir tu copa menstrual cada vez?
Es esencial hervir tu copa menstrual antes del primer uso. Después de eso,
tienes opciones. Puedes hervir la copa entre ciclos, o si prefieres, simplemente lavarla con un limpiador específico para copas menstruales o con un jabón suave, sin fragancia y libre de aceites. Hervir cada vez no es estrictamente necesario, pero se recomienda para una esterilización completa.
¿Qué usar para limpiar tu copa menstrual?
Tocamos muchas cosas a lo largo del día, desde pasamanos, teclados, teléfonos, manijas de puertas, entre otros; asegurarte de lavarte las manos puede prevenir infecciones. Siempre lávate las manos con jabón suave y agua tibia antes y después de manipular tu copa.
Afortunadamente, limpiar tu copa entre usos no requiere mucho trabajo, pero hay algunos productos de limpieza que debes evitar para prevenir infecciones, reacciones o sensaciones incómodas como ardor o picazón. Ya sea que estés acampando, de salida o en casa, tu copa puede cuidarse fácil y seguramente sin preocupaciones.
Lo que está bien usar
Hay bastantes opciones que puedes probar al limpiar tu copa para ver qué funciona mejor para ti. Debes usar cosas como un limpiador específico para copas menstruales, como nuestro “cup wash” que está equilibrado en pH y diseñado para estar libre de fragancias y no causar irritación. Cualquier otro jabón suave, sin fragancia y libre de aceites también puede hacer el trabajo de manera segura.
¿Cuánto tiempo debes hervir tu copa menstrual?
Hervir tu copa menstrual es un método rápido y efectivo de esterilización.
Es recomendable dejarla hirviendo durante al menos 3 a 5 minutos para
garantizar una limpieza óptima, eliminando cualquier bacteria o microorganismo.
¿Tienes que hervir tu copa menstrual cada vez?
Es esencial hervir tu copa menstrual antes del primer uso. Después de eso,
tienes opciones. Puedes hervir la copa entre ciclos, o si prefieres, simplemente lavarla con un limpiador específico para copas menstruales o con un jabón suave, sin fragancia y libre de aceites. Hervir cada vez no es estrictamente necesario, pero se recomienda para una esterilización completa.
¿Qué usar para limpiar tu copa menstrual?
Tocamos muchas cosas a lo largo del día, desde pasamanos, teclados, teléfonos, manijas de puertas, entre otros; asegurarte de lavarte las manos puede prevenir infecciones. Siempre lávate las manos con jabón suave y agua tibia antes y después de manipular tu copa.
Afortunadamente, limpiar tu copa entre usos no requiere mucho trabajo, pero hay algunos productos de limpieza que debes evitar para prevenir infecciones, reacciones o sensaciones incómodas como ardor o picazón. Ya sea que estés acampando, de salida o en casa, tu copa puede cuidarse fácil y seguramente sin preocupaciones.
Lo que está bien usar
Hay bastantes opciones que puedes probar al limpiar tu copa para ver qué funciona mejor para ti. Debes usar cosas como un limpiador específico para copas menstruales, como nuestro “cup wash” que está equilibrado en pH y diseñado para estar libre de fragancias y no causar irritación. Cualquier otro jabón suave, sin fragancia y libre de aceites también puede hacer el trabajo de manera segura.

What to avoid
Your vagina is self-cleaning and can be sensitive to harsh or unfamiliar substances, so it’s important to use things that will be mild and gentle when cleaning your menstrual cup. You should avoid things like:
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Bleach
- Baking soda
- Laundry or dishwasher detergents and soaps
- Soaps with fragrance
- Oil-based soaps
- Rubbing alcohol
- Vinegar
Daily cleaning while on your period
Depending on your flow, and size of your menstrual cup, they can be worn up to 12 hours at a time and will only have to be washed up to two times a day. It’s essential to clean your cup because this helps to remove bacteria, decreases build-up, and helps to prevent stains and odour.
What to avoid
Your vagina is self-cleaning and can be sensitive to harsh or unfamiliar substances, so it’s important to use things that will be mild and gentle when cleaning your menstrual cup. You should avoid things like:
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Bleach
- Baking soda
- Laundry or dishwasher detergents and soaps
- Soaps with fragrance
- Oil-based soaps
- Rubbing alcohol
- Vinegar
Daily cleaning while on your period
Depending on your flow, and size of your menstrual cup, they can be worn up to 12 hours at a time and will only have to be washed up to two times a day. It’s essential to clean your cup because this helps to remove bacteria, decreases build-up, and helps to prevent stains and odour.

During your period:
- Remove the cup
- Empty blood into the toilet
- Rinse cup with cold water
- Now you’re good to re-insert the cup!
How to wash your menstrual cup when out and about
If you’re going to be using public toilets, go on a camping trip, or might be somewhere else with no access to running water, you can also use specially made wipes to clean your menstrual cup. Just empty the cup as normal and use a menstrual cup wipe to clean it and then reinsert and sanitise your hands again! If you don’t have any wipes, you can use toilet paper; just make sure to get all the tissue off before reinsertion. Then as soon as you are home, be sure to clean your menstrual cup as usual.
When camping, or going days without access to running water, pour the flow into a small hole in the ground (as you would with regular organic waste), use bottled water to rinse your cup, dry it with a clean tissue, then reinsert. When travelling with your cup, make sure to store it in its pouch to keep it clean.
During your period:
- Remove the cup
- Empty blood into the toilet
- Rinse cup with cold water
- Now you’re good to re-insert the cup!
How to wash your menstrual cup when out and about
If you’re going to be using public toilets, go on a camping trip, or might be somewhere else with no access to running water, you can also use specially made wipes to clean your menstrual cup. Just empty the cup as normal and use a menstrual cup wipe to clean it and then reinsert and sanitise your hands again! If you don’t have any wipes, you can use toilet paper; just make sure to get all the tissue off before reinsertion. Then as soon as you are home, be sure to clean your menstrual cup as usual.
When camping, or going days without access to running water, pour the flow into a small hole in the ground (as you would with regular organic waste), use bottled water to rinse your cup, dry it with a clean tissue, then reinsert. When travelling with your cup, make sure to store it in its pouch to keep it clean.

Sanitising between periods
When your period is over you need to sanitise your menstrual cup. The most effective way is to boil your menstrual cup just as you did before you started using it. You can choose to boil it on the stove or even use a special container. It is recommended to boil it for 3 to 5 minutes then it’s ready to be stored until your next cycle.
How to store your menstrual cup
Most menstrual cups come with a breathable cotton bag, and ours is made from organic cotton. It’s important to never store your cup in a plastic bag or airtight container, and this could cause a breeding ground for bacteria.
Let’s talk about those ‘what ifs’
What to Do if Your Menstrual Cup Falls in the Toilet?
If your menstrual cup happens to fall into the toilet, refrain from using it immediately. The best course of action is to thoroughly boil the cup to ensure it's sanitized. This incident may seem alarming, but a proper sterilization process will render the cup safe for use again.
What if my menstrual cup is stained?
Staining and discoloration are bound to happen. If your menstrual cup is stained, it doesn’t mean that it’s dirty, or in need of replacement. There isn’t any reason to try and remove stains unless it is for cosmetic reasons. You can remove stains by leaving the cup out in direct sunlight for 24 hours.
What if my cup has an odour?
Regular maintenance and cleaning can help to combat any odours from your menstrual cup, but you can also leave it out in direct sunlight to remove any odours as well.
Sanitising between periods
When your period is over you need to sanitise your menstrual cup. The most effective way is to boil your menstrual cup just as you did before you started using it. You can choose to boil it on the stove or even use a special container. It is recommended to boil it for 3 to 5 minutes then it’s ready to be stored until your next cycle.
How to store your menstrual cup
Most menstrual cups come with a breathable cotton bag, and ours is made from organic cotton. It’s important to never store your cup in a plastic bag or airtight container, and this could cause a breeding ground for bacteria.
Let’s talk about those ‘what ifs’
What to Do if Your Menstrual Cup Falls in the Toilet?
If your menstrual cup happens to fall into the toilet, refrain from using it immediately. The best course of action is to thoroughly boil the cup to ensure it's sanitized. This incident may seem alarming, but a proper sterilization process will render the cup safe for use again.
What if my menstrual cup is stained?
Staining and discoloration are bound to happen. If your menstrual cup is stained, it doesn’t mean that it’s dirty, or in need of replacement. There isn’t any reason to try and remove stains unless it is for cosmetic reasons. You can remove stains by leaving the cup out in direct sunlight for 24 hours.
What if my cup has an odour?
Regular maintenance and cleaning can help to combat any odours from your menstrual cup, but you can also leave it out in direct sunlight to remove any odours as well.

When to replace your cup
You should replace your cup if there are any signs of cracking, splitting, or tearing, if your cup has a chalky residue or becomes sticky to the touch. Extreme discoloration, thinning, and foul odour that cannot be removed is a sign it’s time for a new cup as well. They have a relatively long shelf life and usually don’t need to be replaced for 2-3 years.
A safer and easier period
Keeping your menstrual cup clean and sanitised is important for your general well-being. As long as you clean your cup and follow the sanitisation and maintenance recommendations, your cup will last you years and also save you spending lots of money on other period products each month.
One final note: if at any time you develop any type of infection that could possibly be related to your menstrual cup, stop using it immediately and contact your doctor.
When to replace your cup
You should replace your cup if there are any signs of cracking, splitting, or tearing, if your cup has a chalky residue or becomes sticky to the touch. Extreme discoloration, thinning, and foul odour that cannot be removed is a sign it’s time for a new cup as well. They have a relatively long shelf life and usually don’t need to be replaced for 2-3 years.
A safer and easier period
Keeping your menstrual cup clean and sanitised is important for your general well-being. As long as you clean your cup and follow the sanitisation and maintenance recommendations, your cup will last you years and also save you spending lots of money on other period products each month.
One final note: if at any time you develop any type of infection that could possibly be related to your menstrual cup, stop using it immediately and contact your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions
How to boil a menstrual cup?
Boiling a menstrual cup is a straightforward process. After washing your hands, check the menstrual cup to make sure the air holes at the top are open and not blocked. Then grab a pot that is big enough to contain - and completely submerge - the menstrual cup. Fill the pot with water, then bring it to the boil. Place the cup in the boiling water, making sure it is fully submerged. Then simply let it boil for 3 to 5 minutes, keeping an eye on the cup to make sure it doesn’t burn, and stays beneath the water.
What should I do if I dropped a menstrual cup in the toilet?
If your menstrual cup falls into the toilet, do not reinsert it! Instead, make sure to boil the cup to sanitize it thoroughly before using it again. Accidents happen, but it's important to ensure your cup is clean and safe to use before reinserting it.
How to store a menstrual cup?
Most menstrual cups come with a breathable cotton bag for storage. It’s important to never store your cup in a plastic bag or airtight container, as this could create a breeding ground for bacteria. Always ensure your menstrual cup is thoroughly dried before storing it.
How often should I replace my menstrual cup?
With proper care, a menstrual cup can last for several years. However, it's recommended to replace your cup if there are any signs of cracking, splitting, or tearing, if your cup has a chalky residue or becomes sticky to the touch. Extreme discoloration, thinning, and a foul odour that cannot be removed are also signs that it's time for a new cup.
Can a menstrual cup cause infections?
Menstrual cups are generally very safe to use. However, like any other period product, they need to be used and cleaned properly to prevent infections. If at any time you develop any type of infection that could possibly be related to your menstrual cup, stop using it immediately and contact your doctor.
Can a menstrual cup cause odours?
Regular maintenance and cleaning can help to combat any odours from your menstrual cup. However, if your cup develops a persistent odour, it may be a sign that it needs to be replaced.
How can I remove stains from my menstrual cup?
Staining and discoloration are normal and do not necessarily mean your cup is dirty. However, if you want to remove stains, you can leave the cup out in direct sunlight for 24 hours. This can often help to lighten stains and remove any odours.