Allmatters Customer Testimonials

Based on 4878 reviews
OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Shianne M (Mesa, US)
Love my cup

I love having sustainable options, and why not for our sacred monthly cycle? I have been using OrganiCup for several years now and won't go back to single use menstrual products.

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Laura (Türi, EE)
Happy with product and service

Very satisfied with the product. I like the new (for me, since i've been using and older model before that for years) design with ridges near the stem for easier removal. Can't imagine going back to pads nor tampons since using the cup is much more clean and worryfree for me, especially since my flow is on the heavier side.

Period Underwear Bikini
ditte boas (Copenhagen, DK)
Fantastisk og trygt

Jeg ville virkelig ønske jeg havde købt period panties forlænge siden!

Period Underwear High Waist
Anette (Aalborg, DK)

Er SÅ tilfreds! Har prøvet andre menstrustionstrusser men disse fra AllMatters er klart min favorit.

Saves me money AND I feel better about what is going in my body!

I love it!!! Saves me money AND I feel better about what is going in my body. Customer services is also very helpful and even though I had some TMI questions they answered them and sent me a different size when I decided the suggested size wasn't for me. Fantastic. I recommend them to people I know. Actually bought this because of a recommendation from my friend.

Juliana Calças (Auckland, NZ)
Great customer help

I had a very good experience with the All Matters support team. I needed help changing my shipping address and they quickly helped me solve the problem and everything went very smoothly! They were also very friendly in their emails and always willing to clarify any information.
Thank you very much!

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Giulia R (Bresso, IT)
Super comfortable!

I think it works perfectly for every kind of occasion and it makes me feel safe and comfortable

Period Underwear Bikini
Catarina Conceição (Portimão, PT)
Uma viagem só de ida!

Primeiro encomendei duas, e agora já encomendei mais três. Elas são de facto super confortáveis, super absorventes. Não se equiparam em nada aos pensos, na medida em que não precisamos de estar constantemente preocupadas em mudar, nem sentimos a cola do pensinho no sítio errado (como na bochecha do rabo, quem nunca?). Quem me dera ter começado a usar cuequinhas menstruais mais cedo. Recomendo vivamente!

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Sonja R (Tholen, NL)
2de aanschaf

Nadat ik mijn eerste cup met regelmaat de afgelopen 2 jaar heb gebruikt, weer een nieuwe aangeschaft. Zo fijn in gebruik! Ik had dit graag veel eerder willen gebruiken. Met de cup ervaar ik echt zoveel meer vrijheid. Zelfs tijdens hevige menstruatie

Period Underwear Bikini
Mafalda Peixoto (Rio Tinto, PT)
Worth to give them a try!

I just love them! They're just so helpful and in the long run save me a lot of money. I could finally just try using them for the whole time I had my period without using any pads, and it was great! I might have to wear 3 in one day instead of 2 because sometimes I get really heavy flow, but they're perfect!

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Johanna Kuenen (Völklingen, DE)

Nach Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit, habe ich mich meine OrganiCup nicht mehr gefunden und mir erst eine andere Cup bestellt udn war total enttäuscht und dachte, es läge an den Veränderungen ducrh Geburt usw. Habe mir dann noch mal eie OrganiCup bestellt und es lag ganz klar an der falschen Cup. Mit OrganiCup bin ich super froh, sie hält dicht, ist einfach zu benutzen und es ist keine Sauerei. Ich bin super glücklich und kann sie sehr empfehlen.

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Isabella (Stirling, GB)
7 years user

It’s true, I really never looked back. I was tired of the irritation caused by pads and quite frankly a bit disgusted by them and the smell of blood. With this cup not only I hugely reduced the smell, but never had irritation. I have to say sometimes I get stains on my underwear but I think that’s because when I bought it I chose the smaller size. Will buy again in 3 years and 13 and 23 !!

Period Underwear High Waist
Moni H (Maple Ridge, CA)

I totally like it because I am safe and I am not a risk while in public or at home. I wish I could start earlier and afford buy few more pairs.

Thank you!!!

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Lisa (Marly, CH)
Best buy ever

This cup is so comfortable, convenient and lasting!
Using this cup was definitely a game charger for me. I almost forget I am on my periods because it's so effortless! I never have to worry about having leaks and double protection is no longer necessary. I can go anywhere once I have my cup on, it's amazing.

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
E.J. (Springfield, US)
8 years with OrganiCup!

I bought my OrganiCup 8 YEARS ago and was a first time cup user! I have never looked back! I can't believe how much money i've saved by switching. Once you get the hang of things, it is so easy to use and comfortable! I forget i'm on my period when using this cup because I don't have to worry about how many hours i've been wearing a tampon. Amazing!

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Mia (German, BG)
Loyal to the cup

This is the first cup I ever bought back in 2020 and I’ve been using the same one ever since. Four years later, I decided to get a new one since mine was starting to wear out, so I tried out a few different brands of menstrual cups and discs but ended up getting rid of all of them and repurchasing the OrganiCup. Out of maybe a total of 10 cups and discs I’ve tried, this one is the most comfortable for me, the price is right considering the years of wear it allows, and I love the company itself. I would like it if AllMatters made discs and/or cups with a larger capacity for women who haven’t given birth, since my period has become twice as heavy in the past year but for now, I will stick to this one - it is the best on the market in my opinion! Mine only lasted about five years before it started leaking but I suppose this is due to me soaking it in hydrogen peroxide every other month.

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Annie (Whistler, CA)
It's the best!

I've got my first organicup 9 years and just replaced it with a new one. The durability is awesome and so resourceful. I love it.
Not looking back to the time before 'the cup'.

Easy & comfortable

I’m satisfied with it. Customer service works perfectly. Thank you for making my first experience happy!

Period Underwear Bikini
Babs (Porto, PT)

Great and confortable, easy to wash! Will definitely buy again :)


Great and confortable, easy to wash! Will definitely buy again :)

OrganiCup Menstrual Cup
Mila Boshnakova (Sofia, BG)

I was skeptical about the comfort of this cup, but I tried it 5 years ago and I'm never going back to using anything else! Great customer service as well:)

Great product. Need to purchase more so I don’t ever run out

Period Underwear High Waist
Eglė (Copenhagen, DK)
Dejligt produkt

Meget behageligt stof og fin sugeevne - 5 stjerner herfra.

Dejligt produkt

Meget behageligt stof og fin sugeevne - 5 stjerner herfra.

Period Underwear Bikini
Anonymous (Coimbra, PT)
Great product, will get more!

I'm so happy with my purchase, I only regret not trying this sooner! It's absolutely comfortable, odorless and I even forgot I was wearing it. Will definitely buy +3.